John_GaltLimit Order Status - perfect!
    Updated 2022-07-07
    with order_check as (select
    block_timestamp as date,
    event_attributes:order_id as order_id,
    event_attributes:"0_action" as token_action,
    event_attributes:action as coin_action,
    when token_action = 'execute_order' or coin_action = 'execute_order' then 'dead' ---can remove, for searching
    when token_action = 'cancel_order' or coin_action = 'cancel_order' then 'dead' ---can remove
    else 'live'
    end as status,
    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY order_id ORDER BY date desc) as rank,
    SPLIT_PART(event_attributes:offer_asset, ':', 2) as offer_asset,
    SPLIT_PART(event_attributes:ask_asset, ':', 2) as ask_asset,
    from terra.msg_events
    where date(block_timestamp) > '2022-04-23'
    and (event_attributes:"0_contract_address" = 'terra1zctyc83qmcunc5zww7hzgzmrtxhjhsj4kfgvg6' or
    event_attributes:contract_address = 'terra1zctyc83qmcunc5zww7hzgzmrtxhjhsj4kfgvg6')
    and event_index = 3
    order by order_id

    order_check_final_live as (select order_id, status, offer_asset, ask_asset, tx_id ---can remove this - just for searching
    from order_check
    where (rank = 1 and status = 'live') ----this can be removed to see status of all past and present orders

    current_live1 as (select date(date) as day,
    when status = 'live' then 'one_created'
    end as created,
    when status = 'dead' then 'one_removed'
    end as removed
    from order_check
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