Josh956Squid stats (destination chain
    Updated 2023-04-26
    select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as week, DESTINATION_CHAIN,
    count(distinct tx_hash) as "TX Count",
    count (distinct RECEIVER) as "Number of receivers",
    count (distinct sender) as "Number of senders",
    sum (amount) as "Amount swapped",
    avg(amount) as "Avg amount swapped",
    median(amount) as "Median amount swapped",
    max(amount) as "Max amount swapped",
    sum ("TX Count") over(partition by destination_chain order by week) as "Cumulative tx count",
    sum ("Number of receivers") over(partition by destination_chain order by week) as "Cumulative number of receivers",
    sum ("Number of senders") over(partition by destination_chain order by week) as "Cumulative number of senders"
    from axelar.core.ez_squid
    where block_timestamp>'2023-02-23'
    and (token_symbol='axlUSDC' or token_symbol='USDC')
    group by 1,2
    order by 1,3 asc