Algorand Portal
Dashboard showing key metrics for the last n days
Portal is a bridge based on the Wormhole interoperability protocol which has implemented a connection for Algorand to its network, comprising of 19 different chains including Ethereum and some other EVM-compatible chains, Polkadot ecosystem chains like Karura and Acala, both Cosmos-based Terra chains as well as other layer-1 solutions (Solana, Near, Aptos) and platforms (XPLA, gaming or Klaytn, metaverse) .
The infrastructure allows for asset and NFT cross-chain transfers, although at the time of the writing only asset transfers are available for the Algorand Portal Bridge.
This parametrized dashboard allows users to visualize the number of wallets, USD volume bridged, number of transactions and assets being bridged. User can select the time frame by defining the parameter ‘days’ , the metrics will be calculated for the last n days as selected. Data analysed is dated back to October 1st 2022.
| Portal Bridge | Wormhole Medium | Wormhole tweet (October 3rd 2022) | Wormhole Documentation | Algorand tweet (May 17th 2022)

Analysis by @KaskCEA on November 24th 2022