Planetwatch Rewards

    PlanetWatch is an environmental monitoring company that pays users in Planets to carry air quality sensors. How many wallets have been rewarded for participating in the PlanetWatch Air monitoring program? Show us how the number of wallets being rewarded daily changes over time. Show us how the number of daily rewards has changed over time What day were the most rewards issued? Was there an event correlated with this? Who are the top 10 earners of Planets? Rewards Wallet Address: ZW3ISEHZUHPO7OZGMKLKIIMKVICOUDRCERI454I3DB2BH52HGLSO67W754 Asset ID: 27165954

    How many wallets have been rewarded for participating in Planetwatch monitoring program?

    Running a query in the asset_transaction table with sender equal to the rewards wallet address and the asset ID as stated above, I group by asset receiver and count the number of wallets participating in the program, see result below


    Who are the top 10 earners of Planets?

    Based on the previous query, one can add the amounts and order them in descending other to obtain the total Planets received by address. Limiting the query to 10 results yields the table below.


    Show us how the number of daily rewards has changed over time. What day were the most rewards issued? Was there an event correlated with this?

    The chart below shows the number of rewards awarded daily as the count of the tx_id for each given day. It shows the maximum rewards on March 16th 2021 after which an abrupt descend in the number of rewards happens in two steps until in April 12th 2021 it reaches a local low. This event corresponds to the transition between test phase and official launch
