KaskoazulL1 Unique Users and prices since Feb1 - update ALGO
    Updated 2022-04-07
    --Question 37: Compare the number of unique wallets that have sent a transaction since February 1st on Solana vs Ethereum vs Terra.
    --How does user adoption seem to be trending for Solana compared to these other major chains?
    --Does it appear that market conditions are slowing down growth or activity on the networks?
    --Q46. Compare the number of unique wallets that have sent a transaction since February 1st on Algorand vs Solana vs Ethereum vs Terra.
    --How does user adoption seem to be trending for Algorand compared to these other major chains? Does it appear that market conditions are slowing down growth or activity on the networks?
    --Chart daily unique wallets by day since February 1st for each major blockchain(Algorand, Solana, Ethereum, Terra) -Does it appear that market conditions are slowing down growth or activity on the networks?

    SELECT block_timestamp::date as fecha, count(distinct from_address) as ETH_wallets, count(distinct tx_id) as ETH_txs, 'ETHEREUM' as L1
    FROM ethereum.transactions
    WHERE fecha >= '2022-02-01' and fecha < CURRENT_DATE -1
    GROUP BY fecha

    SELECT hour::date as fecha, avg(price) as ETH_price
    FROM ethereum.token_prices_hourly
    where symbol ='ETH' and fecha >= '2022-02-01' and fecha < CURRENT_DATE -1
    GROUP BY fecha

    SELECT w.fecha, w.ETH_wallets, w.ETH_txs, p.ETH_price
    FROM ETH_WALLETS w LEFT JOIN ETH_PRICE p ON w.fecha = p.fecha

    SELECT block_timestamp::date as fecha, count(distinct tx_from) as TERRA_wallets, count(distinct tx_id) as TERRA_txs, 'TERRA' as L1
    FROM terra.transactions
    WHERE fecha >= '2022-02-01' and fecha < CURRENT_DATE -1
    GROUP BY fecha

    SELECT block_timestamp::date as fecha, -- truncate date to days
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