KaskoazulNumber of tx
    Updated 2022-03-15
    --Create a dashboard to track the outflows of LUNA and UST to Osmosis, Secret, Axelar, and Injective. What conclusions can you draw from the outflows thus far?

    block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    when event_attributes:receiver like 'osmo%' then 'osmosis'
    when event_attributes:receiver like 'axelar%' then 'axelar'
    when event_attributes:receiver like 'secret%' then 'secret'
    when event_attributes:receiver like 'inj%' then 'injection'
    when event_attributes:receiver like 'juno%' then 'juno'
    --when event_attributes:receiver like 'kava%' then 'kava'
    --when event_attributes:receiver like 'crc%' then 'crc'
    --when event_attributes:receiver like 'cosmos%' then 'cosmos'
    --when event_attributes:receiver like 'terra%' then 'terra'
    else 'other'
    end as network,
    count (tx_id) as transactions
    from terra.msg_events
    where event_type = 'ibc_transfer'
    and fecha >= '2022-01-01'
    group by fecha, network
    order by transactions desc

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