KaskoazulMore Mints
    Updated 2022-04-19
    select date_trunc ('week', block_timestamp) as fecha,
    case program_id
    when 'cndy3Z4yapfJBmL3ShUp5exZKqR3z33thTzeNMm2gRZ' then 'CM_v2'
    when 'cndyAnrLdpjq1Ssp1z8xxDsB8dxe7u4HL5Nxi2K5WXZ' then 'CM_v1'
    else 'Other_program'
    end as program_name,
    count (tx_id) as NFT_mints,
    sum (NFT_mints) over (partition by program_name order by fecha) as cum_NFT_mints,
    count (distinct purchaser) as unique_wallets,
    sum (unique_wallets) over (partition by program_name order by fecha) as cum_unique_wallets
    from solana.fact_nft_mints
    where fecha >= '2021-12-01'
    and succeeded = 'TRUE'
    group by 1,2
    order by fecha desc
    Run a query to Download Data