KaskoazulAxelar-Osmosis Bridge User Activity by Event in last 30 days
    Updated 2022-11-09
    with txs_raw as (
    select a.block_timestamp,
    case a.currency
    when 'uaxl' then 'AXL'
    when 'uusdc' then 'USDC'
    when 'uusdt' then 'USDT'
    when 'dai-wei' then 'DAI'
    when 'wbtc-satoshi' then 'wBTC'
    when 'weth-wei' then 'wETH'
    when 'uatom' then 'axlATOM'
    when 'mkr-wei' then 'MKR'
    when 'uusd' then 'UST'
    when 'uluna' then 'LUNAC'
    when 'dot-planck' then 'xcDOT'
    else a.currency
    end as asset,
    a.amount / pow(10,a.decimal) as value
    from axelar.core.fact_transfers a
    where a.block_timestamp between CURRENT_DATE-31 AND CURRENT_DATE-1
    and a.transfer_type = 'IBC_TRANSFER_OUT'
    and a.receiver ilike 'osmo%'
    and a.tx_succeeded = TRUE

    eth_price as (
    select hour,
    case token_address
    when lower('0x467719aD09025FcC6cF6F8311755809d45a5E5f3') then 'uaxl'
    when lower('0xA0b86991c6218b36c1d19D4a2e9Eb0cE3606eB48') then 'uusdc'
    when lower('0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7') then 'uusdt'
    when lower('0x6B175474E89094C44Da98b954EedeAC495271d0F') then 'dai-wei'
    when lower('0x2260FAC5E5542a773Aa44fBCfeDf7C193bc2C599') then 'wbtc-satoshi'
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