KaskoazulOsmosis First Txs
    Updated 2023-01-03
    with first_txs as (
    select tx_from as new_address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from osmosis.core.fact_transactions
    where tx_status = 'SUCCEEDED'
    group by 1

    first_tx_id as (
    select t1.*,
    txs.tx_id as first_tx_id
    from first_txs t1
    left join osmosis.core.fact_transactions txs
    on t1.new_address = txs.tx_from and t1.first_tx_date = txs.block_timestamp

    swaps as (
    select s.trader,
    s.from_amount / pow(10,s.from_decimal) as amount_from,
    t1.project_name as token_from_name,
    t1.label as token_from_label,
    s.to_amount / pow(10,s.to_decimal) as amount_to,
    t2.project_name as token_to_name,
    t2.label as token_to_label,
    'SWAP' as type
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps s
    left join osmosis.core.dim_tokens t1
    on s.from_currency = t1.address
    left join osmosis.core.dim_tokens t2
    on s.to_currency = t2.address-- or s.to_currency = t.address
    where tx_succeeded = TRUE

    airdrop as (
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