KaskoazulAMM Stats
    Updated 2022-10-29
    with coralcube as (
    select block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    count(tx_id) as txs,
    sum(sales_amount) as volume,
    count(distinct purchaser) as daily_unique_buyers,
    sum(txs) over (order by fecha) as total_txs,
    sum(volume) over (order by fecha) as total_volume,
    sum(daily_unique_buyers) over (order by fecha) as total_unique_buyers
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    where marketplace = 'coral cube'--in ('hadeswap', 'coral cube', 'hyperspace')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-10-01' and block_timestamp < CURRENT_DATE
    and succeeded = True
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc

    hadeswap as (
    select block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    count(tx_id) as txs,
    sum(sales_amount) as volume,
    count(distinct purchaser) as daily_unique_buyers,
    sum(txs) over (order by fecha) as total_txs,
    sum(volume) over (order by fecha) as total_volume,
    sum(daily_unique_buyers) over (order by fecha) as total_unique_buyers
    from solana.core.fact_nft_sales
    where marketplace = 'hadeswap'--in ('hadeswap', 'coral cube', 'hyperspace')
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-10-01' and block_timestamp < CURRENT_DATE
    and succeeded = True
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc

    hyperspace as (
    select block_timestamp::date as fecha,
    count(tx_id) as txs,
    sum(sales_amount) as volume,
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