KaskoazulDistribution of wallets by assets swapped from
    Updated 2022-04-19
    select swapper as wallet,
    count(distinct swap_from_asset_id) as number_of_assets
    from algorand.swaps
    where block_timestamp >= '2022-01-01'
    and swap_from_amount >= 0
    group by wallet--, type
    order by number_of_assets desc

    select case
    when number_of_assets <= 1 then 'a. One-coiner'
    when number_of_assets > 1 and number_of_assets <= 10 then 'b. Coin juggler'
    when number_of_assets > 10 and number_of_assets <= 50 then 'c. Addicted to Assets'
    when number_of_assets > 50 and number_of_assets <= 100 then 'd. Heavily automated'
    when number_of_assets > 100 then 'e. Master Bot'
    end as type,
    count (wallet)
    from SWAPS
    group by type
    order by type

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