Solana Fees Private
Question 6: One of the main advantages for a user of Solana is the extremely low fees relative to other blockchains.
Create a visualization showing transaction fees per day accumulated since the beginning of January.
The first chart below shows the sum of all transactions fees paid on successful transactions since Januray 1st denominated in lamparts. As a comparison, I calculated the fees in SOL and USD (using a 112.6 USD/SOL price) as well on the second chart.
Also create a visualization that shows transaction fees per transaction on each day. Do fees ever seem to spike or is it consistent?
If plotting the fee per tx per day since January 1st 2022, one could assume a relative consistency since the value fluctuates aproximately between 5100 and 5250, being this 150 lamparts difference smaller than 0.00002 USD at a SOL price of 113 USD.
But plotting the number of transactions per day in the same graph, both spikes on January 7th and 21st correspond with a significant decrease in transactions. This correlation seems to be falling back today, February 8th since the transactions per day have decreased more than 50% with Fee per transaction per day has not been affected. It will be interesting to revisit this trend on the following days.