Tracking the Top Saber Lockers

    Create a time series analysis of Saber locked up over time, noting the start of each epoch. List the top 20 wallets that have locked Saber in the month of February. Have these top wallets added to their locked SBR positions to gain even more voting power, or do they lock all their SBR tokens in governance at once? What other activities are these top 20 wallets doing in the month of February (for example what other tokens are they transacting with, what other protocols are they engaging with)?



    This bounty will query the table to find the locked SBR since February 1st. To do so, I will use the following constraints:

    • instruction:programId ='LocktDzaV1W2Bm9DeZeiyz4J9zs4fRqNiYqQyracRXw' for the associated program to the Locker

    • pretokenbalances[0]:mint = 'Saber2gLauYim4Mvftnrasomsv6NvAuncvMEZwcLpD1' and posttokenbalances[0]:mint = 'Saber2gLauYim4Mvftnrasomsv6NvAuncvMEZwcLpD1' for the SBR to SBR locks (there are transactions to the locker with other tokens)

    To find out the total SBR locked per day, I sum the variable inner_instruction:instructions[0]:parsed:info:amount/pow(10,9) eliminating the ones with 0 amount. This information will be then displayed over time, marking each epoch as defined in the SABER Governance page.

    With the same strategy, the value of locked SBR will be aggregated by wallet using the variable X and the top 20 wallets will be displayed with total amount of locked SBR.

    Later, these wallets will be analysed for patterns in interactions apart from SABER Governance by program and by tokens


    Chart below shows the total locked SBR per day. We see a significant higher activity on the first 2 weeks of February (EPOCHS 2 to 4) while the later EPOCHS are mainly limited to a spike in locked SBR on the last day prior to the EPOCH change.


    As it can be expected from the top 20 wallets locking SBR into the governance program, the activity with the SBR token, either on the token contract directly or by means of the Saber Swaps is the most popular activity. Jupiter Aggregator, wSOL as well as NFT Marketplaces like Magic Eden and Solanart are amongst the preferred activities of these wallets as well.

    Also noteworthy is the activity of the SBR locking at the end of each of the epochs, since the value of the locking starts on the next epoch, so these wallets MO is to wait until the end of an epoch to commit SBR token for the next epoch.


    The graph below shows the distribution of the top 20 wallets by locked SBR in February


    Top 20 wallet activity

    The activity of the top 20 wallet will be analysed by program and by token.

    The first graph shows that the most populat program amongst the top wallet are token programs, Jupiter and Saber.


    The top tokens are SBR, USDC and wUST-USDC LP in Saber swap