Algorand -- NFTs Overview

    Let's get a better understanding of the Algorand NFT scene! How many total, non-closed NFTs are on the algorand network? - How many NFTs use the ARC3 vs ARC69 standard? - Additionally, show the minting of the NFTs with these standards over time. - Finally, show the daily total volume of total NFT sales, ARC3 NFT sales and ARC69 NFT sales over time (Tip: Here is an example of an NFT sale tx_group_id: lLa5DLImBy1PrQEWvcHR9HRZnpS/QPVQFvQPTaMvt74= ) Tip: For NFTs configured to the arc69 stanard, look at asset_configuration transactions such as 6Z5R47GSIMQC4JDCTRAPLPC5BTNCC5K5DJ2QKSACW4KV5RZFZDQQ and decode the note using try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string). You will find in the note the asset has been configured to the arc69 community standard: For assets configured to the arc3 standard look for transactions who’s asset url ends with #arc3