LTirrellSOL Deposited per Collection Created copy
    Updated 2023-05-31
    -- forked from marqu / SOL Deposited per Collection Created @


    compressed_txs as (

    select distinct block_timestamp, tx_id, 'collection_mint' as label
    from solana.core.fact_events
    inner join lateral flatten(input => inner_instruction :instructions) f
    where succeeded
    and program_id = 'SMPLecH534NA9acpos4G6x7uf3LWbCAwZQE9e8ZekMu' -- Squads
    and signers[0] = 'hprdnjkbziK8NqhThmAn5Gu4XqrBbctX8du4PfJdgvW' -- Helium Multisig
    and f.value :programId = 'metaqbxxUerdq28cj1RbAWkYQm3ybzjb6a8bt518x1s'
    and array_size(f.value :accounts) = 6
    and block_timestamp >= '2023-04-18'

    union all

    select distinct block_timestamp, tx_id, 'token_mint' as label
    from solana.core.fact_events
    inner join lateral flatten (input => inner_instruction :instructions) f
    where succeeded
    and program_id = '1atrmQs3eq1N2FEYWu6tyTXbCjP4uQwExpjtnhXtS8h' -- lazy_transactions
    and f.value :programId = 'BGUMAp9Gq7iTEuizy4pqaxsTyUCBK68MDfK752saRPUY' -- bubblegum
    and block_timestamp > '2023-04-18'

    -- tx_fees as (

    -- select

    -- block_timestamp,
    -- fee / pow(10,9) as sol,
    -- 'Tx. Fee' as label_fee

    -- from compressed_txs
    Run a query to Download Data