Active Wallet Addresses on Thorchain

    Now with 100% more board parameters.


    We are interested in knowing how many users are currently in the ecosystem. In this case:

    • How many are holding $RUNE in their wallet or have an open LP position.
    • What is this number currently, and how has it trended over time?


    Thorchain is a permissionless protocol to swap a diverse selection of L1 assets and provide liquidity on them.

    Today those with open or closed positions will be analized.


    Two Flipside's tables were used for this analysis.

    • For liquidity positions, flipside_prod_db.thorchain.liquidity_actions table was used.
    • For wallets with rune, flipside_prod_db.thorchain.transfers

    Parameters are set in place to see the different points this year in activity.


    Up until January this year:

    • There were only 1,581 lp positions open and 2,332 closed.

    Then May:

    • There were 3,033 lp positions open and 4,697 closed.

    Then in February:

    • There were 1,796 lp positions open and 2,693 closed.

    Then April:

    • There were 2,557 lp positions open and 3,802 closed.

    And in the first in June:

    • There were 3,089 lp positions open and 6,308 closed.

    Then March:

    • There were 1,853 lp positions open and 2,976 closed.

    Finally, today:

    • There are 3220 LP positions open and 9355 have closed
    • only in During June at least 3000 lp positions have closed

    And about wallets with Rune in them

    Up until January:

    • There were 17,779 wallets with Rune in them, and 2,543 wallets had withdrawn practically all their Rune.

    Then in February:

    • There were 18,519 wallets with Rune, and 3,338 wallets had withdrawn their Rune.

    Then March:

    • There were 19,035 wallets with Rune, and 3,769 wallets had withdrawn their Rune.

    Then April:

    • There were 22,581 wallets with Rune, and 5,283 had withdrawn their Rune.

    Then May:

    • There were 26,293 wallets with Rune, and 7,574 had withdrawn their Rune.

    Then in early June:

    • There were 27,385 wallets with Rune, and 8,587 had withdrawn their Rune.

    Finally today:

    • There are 29,025 wallets with Rune in them. And 8,236 wallets had withdrawn their Rune.
      • Note that there are less wallets with 0 rune than in the beginning of June, meaning that at least 300 wallets that had previously withdrawn all their Rune added funds to their wallets.

    In summary

    • Since April activity around Rune holders and Liquidity providers has spiked.
    • Even some holders came back after emptying their wallets.
    • June has seen particularly high activity
      • with :
        • Lots of wallets closing liquidity positions.
        • Not so many but many (around 1000) new wallets with Rune in their funds.