- In the last month, how much USDC did users deposit into PoolTogether (Ethereum)?
- What’s the average deposit amount per user?
PoolTogether is a crypto-powered savings protocol based on Premium Bonds. Save money and have a chance to win every week with its non loss lottery.
- To find USDC transferred to PoolTogether, Flipside's
table was used.- Note that PoolTogether's contract must be specified as the
because each deposit consists on three movements per transaction and those both together exclude the duplicates.
- Note that PoolTogether's contract must be specified as the
- For the time period, I will take into consideration the beggining of May, and what has passed of June till today, the 22th.
- Most of the USDC deposited comes from only five deposits.
- Those transactions are the ones responsible for such a high average in deposits per transaction.
- Since May 1st, close to 15 millions in USDC were transferred to PoolTogether.
- With 146 deposits, averaging 102k per deposit. Which is not representative of the deposits distribution.
- Since the first of May almost 15 millions in USDC has been deposited into PoolTogether.
- Most of the volume was made in less than ten transactions
- A event that is possible very much related is the minting of its very own NFT project.
- This started on May 24 product of a lawsuit in which PoolTogether was accused of running an illegal lottery operation unlawful under New York law.
- The project had the purpose of funding the legal battle.
- This very well might have caused new attention towards the project along with new big investors.
- The month of June has been an exceptionally busy month. While not even finished yet it already is on an all time high in USDC deposits.