Updated 2022-11-03

    select block_timestamp::date as date,'optimism' as title ,
    count (distinct tx_hash) as Swaps_Count,
    count (distinct origin_from_address) as Swappers_Count
    from optimism.core.fact_event_logs t1
    where t1.origin_to_address = lower('0x6352a56caadc4f1e25cd6c75970fa768a3304e64')
    and event_name = 'Swap'
    group by 1,2

    select block_timestamp::date as date,'arbitrum' as title ,
    count (distinct tx_hash) as Swaps_Count,
    count (distinct origin_from_address) as Swappers_Count
    from arbitrum.core.fact_event_logs t1
    where t1.origin_to_address = lower('0x6352a56caadc4f1e25cd6c75970fa768a3304e64')
    and event_name = 'Swap'
    group by 1,2


    select block_timestamp::date as date,'bsc' as title ,
    count (distinct tx_hash) as Swaps_Count,
    count (distinct origin_from_address) as Swappers_Count
    from bsc.core.fact_event_logs t1
    where t1.origin_to_address in ('0x6352a56caadc4f1e25cd6c75970fa768a3304e64','0x6679800c37e2f7eb072a7af3fb3b81b17a0af153')
    and event_name = 'Swap'
    group by 1,2


    select block_timestamp::date as date,'ethereum' as title ,
    count (distinct tx_hash) as Swaps_Count,
    count (distinct origin_from_address) as Swappers_Count
    Run a query to Download Data