Updated 2023-04-13
    with tb1 as (select
    distinct VOTER,
    count(distinct PROPOSAL_ID) as no_proposals,
    count(*) as no_votes
    from ethereum.core.ez_snapshot where NETWORK='Ethereum Mainnet'
    group by 1

    when no_proposals<3 then 'a. Under 3 proposals'
    when no_proposals>=3 and no_proposals<10 then 'b. 3-10 proposals'
    when no_proposals>=10 and no_proposals<50 then 'c. 10-50 proposals'
    when no_proposals>=50 and no_proposals<150 then 'd. 50-150 proposals'
    when no_proposals>=150 then 'e. Over 150 proposals'
    end as gp,
    count(distinct voter) "Number of voters"
    from tb1
    group by 1

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