MLDZMNprice corr
    Updated 2023-10-29
    -- forked from price1 @

    -- forked from sol2 @

    with tb1 as (select
    HOUR::date as day,
    avg(price) as ETH_price,
    lag(ETH_price) ignore nulls over(ORDER BY day ASC) as lag_price,
    ((ETH_price-lag_price)/ETH_price)*100 as deviation_price_ETH,
    ((first_value(ETH_price) over ( order by day asc) -
    first_value(ETH_price) over (order by day desc)
    )/first_value(ETH_price) over ( order by day asc))*100 as diff_ETH
    from ethereum.price.ez_hourly_token_prices
    where hour>= '2023-09-04'
    and symbol in ('WETH')
    group by 1),

    tb2 as (select
    HOUR::date as day,
    avg(price) as MATIC_price,
    lag(MATIC_price) ignore nulls over(ORDER BY day ASC) as lag_price,
    ((MATIC_price-lag_price)/MATIC_price)*100 as deviation_price_MATIC
    from ethereum.price.ez_hourly_token_prices
    where hour>= '2023-09-04'
    and symbol in ('WMATIC')
    group by 1),

    tb3 as (select
    HOUR::date as day,
    avg(price) as VEXT_price,
    lag(VEXT_price) ignore nulls over(ORDER BY day ASC) as lag_price,
    ((VEXT_price-lag_price)/VEXT_price)*100 as deviation_price_VEXT
    from ethereum.price.ez_hourly_token_prices
    where hour>= '2023-09-04'
    and TOKEN_ADDRESS = lower('0xB2492E97a68a6E4B9E9a11B99F6C42E5aCCD38c7')
    group by 1)
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