MLDZMNswap to
    Updated 2022-06-24
    with tb1 as (select
    from algorand.application_call_transaction
    where BASE64_DECODE_BINARY(tx_message:txn:apaa[1]::String)::string = '03'
    and BASE64_DECODE_string(tx_message:txn:note::String) = 'Reach 0.1.10'

    ASSET_NAME as swap_to,
    count(distinct TX_GROUP_ID) as usages
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.transfers s left outer join flipside_prod_db.algorand.asset b on s.ASSET_ID=b.ASSET_ID
    where TX_GROUP_ID in (select TX_GROUP_ID from tb1)
    and INNER_TX='TRUE'
    group by 1 having swap_to is not null
    order by 2 desc limit 10
    Run a query to Download Data