MLDZMNnew users
    Updated 2023-08-30
    with tb2 as (select
    distinct from_address as users

    from aurora.core.fact_transactions
    where TX_FEE='0'

    date_trunc('week', first_transaction_stamp) as date,
    when sender in (select users from tb2) then 'Users with free transactions'
    else 'regular users' end as user_type,
    count (distinct sender) as new_users,
    sum(new_users) over (partition by user_type order by date) as total_new_users
    from (
    from_address as sender,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_transaction_stamp
    from aurora.core.fact_transactions
    where STATUS = 'SUCCESS'
    group by 1
    where date>='2022-05-01'
    group by 1,2

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