Updated 2023-08-25
    with all_txn as (
    select tx_hash,block_timestamp,origin_from_address as user
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where contract_address = lower('0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84')
    and from_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    and symbol = 'stETH'
    union all
    select tx_hash,block_timestamp, eth_to_address as user
    from ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers
    where eth_from_address = lower('0x889edc2edab5f40e902b864ad4d7ade8e412f9b1')
    -- and user not in (select address from crosschain.core.address_labels
    -- where project_name ilike '%lido%')

    tb1 as (select
    origin_from_address as user,
    min(block_timestamp) over (partition by user)::date as first_deposit
    from ethereum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where contract_address = lower('0xae7ab96520de3a18e5e111b5eaab095312d7fe84')
    and from_address = '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000'
    and symbol = 'stETH'
    and block_timestamp >= current_date - interval '12 months'

    tb2 as (select
    distinct user,
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '12 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '11 months' then 'Cohort 1'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '11 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '10 months' then 'Cohort 2'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '10 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '9 months' then 'Cohort 3'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '9 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '8 months' then 'Cohort 4'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '8 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '7 months' then 'Cohort 5'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '7 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '6 months' then 'Cohort 6'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '6 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '5 months' then 'Cohort 7'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '5 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '4 months' then 'Cohort 8'
    when first_deposit>=current_date - interval '4 months' and first_deposit<=current_date - interval '3 months' then 'Cohort 9'
    Run a query to Download Data