    Updated 2023-06-10
    with t1 as (select
    distinct signers[0] as users

    from solana.core.fact_transactions s
    left join solana.core.fact_transfers a on s.tx_id=a.tx_id

    where array_contains('Program log: Instruction: CompleteSwap'::variant, log_messages)
    and INSTRUCTIONS[0]:programId= '8guzmt92HbM7yQ69UJg564hRRX6N4nCdxWE5L6ENrA8P'
    and MINT in ('So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112')
    and (INNER_INSTRUCTIONS[1]:instructions[0]:parsed:info:destination = tx_to or
    tx_from = INNER_INSTRUCTIONS[1]:instructions[0]:parsed:info:destination )
    and s.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP>=current_date-{{Days_back}}

    l.LABEL as project,
    count(distinct t.signers[0]) as sender,
    count(distinct t.tx_id) as no_txn
    from solana.core.fact_events t join solana.core.dim_labels l on t.PROGRAM_ID = l.address
    where t.block_timestamp>= current_date- {{Days_back}}
    and l.label_subtype != 'token_contract'
    and l.LABEL_TYPE in ('defi','nft','dex','dapp')
    and l.label != 'solana'
    and t.succeeded = TRUE
    and t.signers[0] in (select users from t1)
    and l.LABEL <> 'famous fox federation'
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc limit 10
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