    Updated 2023-08-08

    with t1 as (select

    from avalanche.core.dim_labels

    tb2 as (select
    distinct from_address as users
    from avalanche.core.fact_transactions s
    left join t1 on s.TO_ADDRESS=t1.ADDRESS
    where PROJECT_NAME in ('hubble')
    and STATUS = 'SUCCESS'

    count(distinct from_address) as no_users,
    count(distinct tx_hash) as no_txn
    from avalanche.core.fact_transactions s
    left join t1 on s.TO_ADDRESS=t1.ADDRESS
    where from_address in (select users from tb2)
    and PROJECT_NAME not in ('hubble')
    and STATUS = 'SUCCESS'
    and label_subtype not in ('token_contract')
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc limit 10

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