MLDZMNOvertime stats -updated
    Updated 2025-01-18
    with tb1 as (
    concat('0x',substring(topics[1], 26+1, 40)) AS player
    from blast.core.fact_event_logs
    where CONTRACT_ADDRESS = '0x2211ad1dc2a36c01dc8da26811a381af208e9737'
    and TOPICS[0] = '0x5a0920da7c4df7f0e5da0ce23542a31a806ddda495b3f8da7ca95e92ad030dbc'
    --and tx_hash = '0x07d5f304259bfc75c4d42c07ba7b9c4820d89986078ed5618d7cd39c1e83d2eb'

    t.BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date as day,
    count(distinct t.tx_hash) as spins,
    count(distinct player) as players,
    sum(AMOUNT) as "Daily volume (ETH)",
    sum(AMOUNT_USD) as "Daily volume (USD)",
    sum("Daily volume (ETH)") over (order by day) as "Total volume (ETH)",
    sum("Daily volume (USD)") over (order by day) as "Total volume (USD)",
    sum(spins) over (order by day) as "Total spins",
    "Daily volume (ETH)"/players as ETH_per_player,
    "Daily volume (USD)"/players as "Spin volume per player",
    spins/players as "spins per player"

    from blast.core.ez_native_transfers t
    left join tb1 on t.tx_hash = tb1.tx_hash
    where t.tx_hash in (select tx_hash from tb1)
    and t.TO_ADDRESS = lower('0x2211ad1dc2a36c01dc8da26811a381af208e9737')
    group by 1
    order by 1 desc

    Auto-refreshes every 12 hours
    QueryRunArchived: QueryRun has been archived