Updated 2023-08-14
    --Program log: Setting main domain
    --Program log: Creating new domain discord.poor
    --Program log: creating a new tld house with tld .all
    --Program log: Creating new domain
    --Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain

    when logs.value ilike '%.bonk%' then '.bonk'
    when logs.value ilike '%.poor%' then '.poor'
    when logs.value ilike '%.moon%' then '.moon'
    when logs.value ilike '' then '.abc'
    else 'Other TLDs'
    end as TLDs,
    count(distinct tx_id) as no_txn,
    count(distinct signers[0]) as no_users,
    no_txn/no_users as txn_per_user
    from solana.core.fact_transactions s
    join (select tx_id
    from solana.core.fact_events where succeeded = True
    and program_id = 'TLDHkysf5pCnKsVA4gXpNvmy7psXLPEu4LAdDJthT9S') events
    join lateral flatten (input => log_messages) logs
    where (logs.value ilike 'Program log: Creating new domain%' --.bonk and .poor has no extend option and cretaed once
    or logs.value ilike 'Program log: Buying or extending renewable domain%') and .moon has extend option
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP>='2022-10-21'
    group by 1

    union all
    '.abc' as TLDs,
    count(distinct tx_id) as no_txn,
    count(distinct signers[0]) as no_users,
    no_txn/no_users as txn_per_user
    from solana.core.fact_events
    Run a query to Download Data