Updated 2023-02-10
    date_trunc('{{Time_basis}}', BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date,
    when PROGRAM_ID in ('traderDnaR5w6Tcoi3NFm53i48FTDNbGjBSZwWXDRrg') then 'Marketplace Program'
    when PROGRAM_ID in ('FLEET1qqzpexyaDpqb2DGsSzE2sDCizewCg9WjrA6DBW') then 'FLEET Program'
    when PROGRAM_ID in ('gateVwTnKyFrE8nxUUgfzoZTPKgJQZUbLsEidpG4Dp2') then 'Governance Staking'
    end as application,
    count(distinct SIGNERS[0]) as no_users,
    sum(no_users) over (partition by application order by date) as total_users
    from solana.core.fact_events
    where SUCCEEDED='TRUE'
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP >= CURRENT_DATE - {{Time_period_days}}
    group by 1,2 having application is not null
    Run a query to Download Data