MLDZMNava usdc 4 copy

    date_trunc('month', BLOCK_TIMESTAMP)::date AS month,
    PROJECT_NAME as platform,
    count(distinct TX_hash) as txns,
    count(distinct from_address) as users,
    txns/users as txns_per_user,
    row_number()over(partition by month order by txns_per_user desc) as rnk
    from avalanche.core.ez_token_transfers
    join avalanche.core.dim_labels on TO_ADDRESS = address
    where block_timestamp::date >= CURRENT_DATE - {{days_back}}
    and SYMBOL ilike 'usdc'
    and LABEL_TYPE not in ('chadmin','token')
    group by 1 ,2
    qualify rnk <= 5

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