Updated 2022-09-11
    BLOCK_TIMESTAMP::date as day,
    when TX_COUNT <= 20 then 'a. under 20 TXN'
    when TX_COUNT between 20 and 100 then 'b. 20-100 TXN'
    when TX_COUNT between 100 and 200 then 'c. 100-200 TXN'
    when TX_COUNT between 200 and 400 then 'd. 200-400 TXN'
    when TX_COUNT>=400 then 'e. over 400 TXN'
    end as bb,
    count(distinct miner) as miners,
    count(BLOCK_NUMBER) as blocks
    from ethereum.core.fact_blocks where day>='2022-01-01' and day < CURRENT_DATE
    group by 1,2
    Run a query to Download Data