Updated 2023-07-09
    with time as (
    when '{{Period}}' = 'Last 24 Hours' then 1
    when '{{Period}}' = 'Last 7 Days' then 7
    when '{{Period}}' = 'Last 30 Days' then 30
    when '{{Period}}' = 'All Time' then 500
    else 30
    end as time_gp

    tb1 as(
    date_trunc('hour',block_timestamp) as hour,
    signers[0] as bt_address,
    count (distinct tx_id) as count_transacions
    from solana.core.fact_events
    where PROGRAM_ID='E1XRkj9fPF2NQUdoq41AHPqwMDHykYfn5PzBXAyDs7Be'
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP>=current_date- (select time_gp from time)
    group by 1, 2 having count_transacions > 30)

    date_trunc('{{Time_basis}}',BLOCK_TIMESTAMP) as date,
    when signers[0] in (select bt_address from tb1 ) then 'BOTS'
    else 'Regular Users' end as wlts,
    count(case when succeeded = 'TRUE' then 1 else null end) as success,
    count (distinct tx_id) as count_transactions,
    success/count_transactions*100 as success_rate
    from solana.core.fact_events
    where PROGRAM_ID='E1XRkj9fPF2NQUdoq41AHPqwMDHykYfn5PzBXAyDs7Be'
    and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP>=current_date- (select time_gp from time)
    group by 1,2

    -- select
    -- case
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