Developer Activity
NEAR Protocol is a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) blockchain platform that was designed to be an open-source community-run cloud computing platform with smart contracts. With a platform such as NEAR, decentralized applications (dApps) can be developed, and it competes with blockchain platforms such as Ethereum, EOS, and Polkadot, which enable smart contracts to be created. The NEAR token is the native token of NEAR and is used for payment of transaction fees and for storing data. Holders of NEAR tokens can also stake their tokens if they contribute to achieving consensus within the NEAR network.
The NEAR Protocol is aimed at providing a platform that is both developer-friendly and user-friendly. The functionality offered by NEAR allows users to interact with smart contracts and view the names of their accounts instead of the addresses of their cryptographic wallets.
Due to the increasing popularity of dApps, the crypto community has been faced with one of its most challenging scalability issues over the past few years. Depending on the speed and cost of transactions, a blockchain can be considered scalable if it is capable of handling many transactions at a reasonable speed and cost. In particular, Ethereum has been challenged by scalability problems because of its high demand for usage. Others, like NEAR, have chosen to build their own independent blockchains instead of relying on the Ethereum blockchain (Layer-2) to scale their projects.
The near.beta.github_activity table was used to check developers' activities in the Near network.
In this table, the ID corresponds to the commits, and I have DISTINCTED them so that we do not have duplicate commits.
A developer is known as an author in this table, while a branch is referred to as a baserefname, and finally, a repository is referred to as a repo. In most parts of this bounty, the time frame is weekly, except for those that are divided by year.
The year divided is based on :point_down:
createdat < '2019-01-01' then '2018'
when createdat < '2020-01-01' then '2019'
when createdat < '2021-01-01' then '2020'
when createdat < '2022-01-01' then '2021'
when createdat < '2023-01-01' then '2022'
when createdat >= '2023-01-01' then '2023' end as years
Activities on Near Github
Total Activities per Year
Total Activities per days of the week
Total Activities per month ( All Years )
Developer breakdown based on total active days
Developer Breakdown per Number of Repositories
Overview stats
Top 5 Repositories per year based on total Developers
Top 5 Repositories per year based on total Commits
Total Monthly Commits per top 30 repositories
:key: Key Finding: :key: Among all months, December 2021 was the month that resulted in the most number of commits to repositories.
In the cumulative commit chart of all of the repositories in this report, it can be seen that Nearcore has grown the fastest of all of the repositories compared to other repositories. In December 2022, there were 7,791 commits, up from one in October 2018.
Top 10 Developers per year based on total Commits
Top 10 Developers per year based on total repo participation
Number of Developers per developer role
:key: Key Finding: :key: There is a large number of users who do not have any roles assigned to them. Currently, 1633 developers are without roles, which is a considerable number.
After those without roles, the number of developers with roles is 897, followed by contributors. \n
Top 5 Commits per year based on total developers
:key: Key Finding: :key: It was 132 developers who contributed in 2020, with the highest number of developers working on a single commit.
There has only been one commit that developers have worked on over the years: Update We had two developers working on this commit in 2019. This commit involved seven developers in 2020, 15 developers in 2021, and 20 developers in 2022.
Top Branches per year based on total developers
Top 5 branches per year based on total commits
Top 3 Monthly Branches per number of developers
Activities count
:key: Key Finding: :key: Generally, the number of commits is higher than other activities. There have been approximately 52,3 thousand commits since the network was formed, which is impressive. This amount of activity is almost four and a half times larger than that of developers, which comes in second with 12,75 thousand activities.
Since October 2019, the number of GitHub near activities has been relatively small. By May 2020, there had been a significant increase in activities. It should be noted that during the third week of May 2020, the number of commits exceeded 405, and the number of developers reached 127. Previously, this number had never exceeded 60.
A large number of activities took place on Near Network GitHub in April 2022. As of this week, we have 687 commits, 140 Repos, 122 developers, and 12 branches. According to the cumulative table, it can be observed that commits have grown faster over time than the other types of activities over the years.
:key: Key Finding: :key: The frequency of commits was generally higher than that of other activities. The above table shows that GitHub has seen the most significant increase in the number of committed activities so far. It has been observed that GitHub activity has significantly increased since 2018. In 2022, they reached their highest point.
:key: Key Finding: :key: Thursday was one of the most active days of this week on GitHub, with more activity than any other day.
It is interesting to note that, except for the number of developers, which is at its peak on Wednesdays with 4428, the rest of the activities are at their peak on Saturdays.
:key: Key Finding: :key: It was August that had the most commits, developers, and Rapo. October was the only month in which the number of branches reached its peak.
We will now take a closer look at which month has the most activities in this section. Earlier, we mentioned that commits accounted for the greatest number of activities. The number of branches in October reached 447. Commits totaled 5109, developers totaled 2226, and Repor totaled 2340 in August. \n
:key: Key Finding: :key: Most of the developers on Near's GitHub have been active on the platform for less than a week. Among Near's developers, 2139 have been active for less than a week.
It can be noted that only 27 people have been active developers for a period of at least six months, which is the highest level of activity.
:key: Key Finding: :key: The majority of developers set up a single repository on GitHub in order to facilitate their development process as part of their development process.
In terms of the number of developers who have only had one repository in their careers on Near's GitHub, 2,104 developers have only had one repository.
:key: Key Finding: :key: In terms of the number of developers, stakewars had the highest number. 217 developers worked on this repository in 2020, making it the repository with the most developers working on it.
:key: Key Finding: :key: Nearcore is the repository with the highest number of commits so far. This repository received the most commits in the period from the beginning of 2018 up until the end of 2022.
:key: Key Finding: :key: According to the overall commit count, Dependabot had the most commits. A developer began to commit to the project in 2021; most commits were made in 2022, with 2851 commits.
It was in 2018 that activity on the GitHub project began, as mentioned earlier. In this year's GitHub project, lblackdragon had 29 commits, which is the developer's highest number of commits. Since 2020, this developer has not had any activity on this network's GitHub. He created 382 commits in 2019 and 383 commits in 2020.
:key: Key Finding: :key: Similarly to the number of commits to repositories, Dependabot contributes the most to repositories.
Since beginning his participation in repositories in 2020, this developer has contributed to over 90 repositories. As for 2021 and 2022, the developer contributed 199 repositories, respectively.
Number of Commits per developer role
:key: Key Finding: :key: It has been found that contributors have made the most number of commits out of all developers on Near GitHub. The total number of commits made by these developers amounts to 26.6k.
Regarding the number of commits, the most significant growth has been observed in the number of commits that contributors created. By the end of 2022, this category of developers had committed 26.6 thousand commits.
:key: Key Finding: :key: The most number of developers worked on the Master branch from 2018 to 2022.
:key: Key Finding: :key: The most number of commits that made by developers is on the Master branch from 2018 to 2022.
:key: Key Finding: :key: Almost every month the highest number of developers worked on the Master branch.
Briefly reviewing the metrics used in this dashboard, we can conclude that:
:one: Since the launch of Near's GitHub account, commits have been the most active activity.
:two: 2022 was the year that GitHub experienced the most activity.
:three: Thursday is the busiest day on Near's GitHub.
:four: The other activities, except for Branch were most active in August.
:five: Most developers have been active on GitHub for less than a week, and most have worked on one repository.
:six: Compared to other repositories, Nearcore has grown the most.
:seven: Most of the users who worked on this project's GitHub did not have any roles, but contributors created the most significant number of commits