MetiocreThorchain: Weighted average of liquidity
    Updated 2022-05-08
    with add_liq as (
    SELECT pool_name, sum(datediff(day, to_timestamp('2021-01-01'), block_timestamp) * (rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd)) as amount,
    amount/sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as weighed_avg
    FROM thorchain.liquidity_actions
    WHERE lp_action = 'add_liquidity' AND (rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd >0)
    group by 1
    remove_liq as (
    SELECT pool_name, sum(datediff(day, to_timestamp('2021-01-01'), block_timestamp) * (rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd)) as amount,
    amount/sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as weighed_avg
    FROM thorchain.liquidity_actions
    WHERE lp_action = 'remove_liquidity' AND (rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd >0)
    group by 1

    SELECT A.pool_name, R.weighed_avg - A.weighed_avg as weighted_avg
    FROM add_liq AS A, remove_liq AS R
    where A.pool_name = R.pool_name

    -- SELECT pool_name, sum(datediff(day, to_timestamp('2022-01-01'), block_timestamp) * (rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd)) as amount,
    -- amount/sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as weighed_avg
    -- FROM thorchain.liquidity_actions
    -- WHERE block_timestamp::date >= '2022-01-01' AND lp_action = 'remove_liquidity'

    -- select * from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    -- order by block_timestamp asc limit 10

    -- -- select * from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    -- -- where lp_action='remove_liquidity' limit 10

    -- select * from thorchain.liquidity_actions
    -- where stake_units = '29805395181'

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