Metiocrethorchain liquidity added by category daily, cumulative
    Updated 2022-05-27
    with temp as (
    block_timestamp::date as date,
    when rune_amount > 0 and asset_amount > 0 then 'rune-asset'
    when rune_amount > 0 and asset_amount = 0 then 'rune'
    when asset_amount > 0 and rune_amount = 0 then 'asset'
    end as category,
    sum(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as usd_amount,
    sum(1) as count,
    avg(rune_amount_usd + asset_amount_usd) as average
    from flipside_prod_db.thorchain.liquidity_actions
    where lp_action='add_liquidity'
    and (rune_amount > 0 or asset_amount > 0)
    and block_timestamp::date >='2022-01-01'
    group by 1,2
    sum(usd_amount) over (order by date) as cumulative_usd_amount,
    sum(count) over (order by date) as cumulative_count
    from temp
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