Metiocreluna/btc terra schema
    Updated 2022-03-15
    with luna as (
    SELECT block_timestamp as time, price_usd as price
    from terra.oracle_prices
    date(block_timestamp) >='2021-10-01'
    and currency='uluna'
    btc as(
    SELECT block_timestamp as time, price_usd as price
    from terra.oracle_prices
    date(block_timestamp) >='2021-10-01'
    and symbol = 'mBTC'

    select btc.time as time, luna.price as luna_price, btc.price as btc_price, luna_price/btc_price as luna_btc_price
    from luna,btc
    where luna.time=btc.time
    order by btc.time desc

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