Muzeproject base
    Updated 2023-04-15

    -- how do we get this to work with either project name or address, based on users input

    -- select
    -- tx_status,
    date_trunc('day', a.block_timestamp) as day
    -- from avalanche.core.fact_decoded_event_logs a
    left join avalanche.core.dim_labels b on a.contract_address = b.address
    where b.label_type in ( 'dex', 'nft', 'layer2', 'tokens' ) -- this helps so that you won't have alot of params for the remaining guys
    and b.project_name = lower('{{Project_Name}}')
    and a.block_timestamp >= '2023-01-01'

    -- select
    -- distinct c.from_address as user,
    -- date_trunc('week', a.block_timestamp) as week
    -- -- c.avax_value,
    -- -- c.tx_hash

    -- from avalanche.core.fact_decoded_event_logs a
    -- left join avalanche.core.dim_labels b on a.contract_address = b.address
    -- left join avalanche.core.fact_transactions c on a.tx_hash = c.tx_hash
    -- and a.block_timestamp = c.block_timestamp
    -- where b.project_name ilike 'trader joe'
    -- and a.event_name = 'Swap'
    -- and c.status = 'SUCCESS'
    -- and avax_value > 0
    -- -- select distinct project_name from avalanche.core.dim_labels
    -- -- where label_type = 'defi'

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