NavidCopy of Waiting for Aurory - Token Trend
    Updated 2022-07-18
    with stake as ( select tx_id as tx
    from flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_events
    where program_id = 'STkwf3sbMapjy7KV3hgrJtcVvY4SvRxWQ8pj4Enw1i5' and block_timestamp::date >= '2022-05-01')

    select block_timestamp::date as date , count(DISTINCT tx) as total_stakes , count(DISTINCT signers) as staker
    ,sum(PRE_TOKEN_BALANCES[0]:uiTokenAmount:amount/pow(10,9)) as total_amount
    from flipside_prod_db.solana.fact_transactions a join stake b on a.tx_id = b.tx
    where PRE_TOKEN_BALANCES[0]:mint = 'xAURp5XmAG7772mfkSy6vRAjGK9JofYjc3dmQDWdVDP'
    group by 1
    Run a query to Download Data