Active LPs' New Position Count

    Or the 10 most active LPs in WETH - USDC pools, how many times have they opened a new position when they had an existing position they could have repurposed in the past 30 days?

    If we exclude positions under total value of $1000 then we can see that there are only a few positions which could have been reused that had liquidity in them already.


    Of the top 10 most active LP's we can see from the table above only 4 have opened a new position when there is already a position available for that pool.

    The median values in the table show the median value of the amount of tokens in each side of the existing pool. It appears that for most of these pools which are left open they have mostly had the majority of their liquidity removed already, which to the LP probably is the same as them being closed as it would cost more in fees to exit the position than the value of the remaining liquidity.


    First we look at the most active LP's in the WETH - USDC pools. In the chart above the top 10 LPs selected by the number of position changes they have made over the last 30 days.