Compound repayment trends over time

    A look at the volume of repayments on Compound over the last 30 days.

    Looking at the average number of redemptions per hour (date time in UTC), there are some hours of the day when above average redemptions happen. There doesn't appear to be an obvious trend which could be mapped to a specific time of the working day for a time zone.

    Although between 23:00 and 00:05 it is fairly consistent which would correspond to overnight in Europe and the UK.

    It may be that spikes in the average is again down to major volatility in the market.

    Further detailed analysis over a longer period would be needed to get a better picture of any trends in hourly patterns.


    Looking at the USD amount of repayments next to liquidations, we can see that there a spike of repayments on days when liquidation volume increases. This is probably as expected, during periods of volatility users will undoubtedly move to repay their loans before getting liquidated.


    Looking at the repayment volume (above) and unique re-payers (below), volume seems to spike during volatile days in the market. Volume also seems to drop off at the beginning of the month.
