Compounds WBTC markets migration of cWBTC to cWBTC2.
A look at the migration from cWBTC to cWBTC2.
In the table below we can see the addresses which redeemed their WBTC from the old pool within 24 either side of the first deposit into the new pool which happened at '2021-03-19T15:02:04Z'. In most cases it's more or less a straight swap but a few addresses increased or reduced their deposits.
The apy of the new cWBTC2 market is almost a continuation of the old, probably because the borrow volume transitioned very quickly.
The borrow side was a much faster transition, with the majority of the legacy market having moved over in the first couple of days.
Looking at the APY of the two cWBTC markets, the launch of the cWBTC2 market had a lot higher apy to start with, which probably explains the high initial growth.
On the supply side the new pool grew deposits quickly but the transition from the old pool has slowed over time.