A look at the data of the much hyped drop of FVCKRENDER's FVCK_CRYSTALS by @OCDAnalysis on Twitter.

    The drop latest 84 seconds and over 9 blocks with 630 addresses minting over 691 successful transactions.


    Looking at the average fee per block, it shows a lot of attempts to purchase Crystals before the minting was enabled and a while after it had sold out.

    *There is some issue with displaying the block id on the X axis but hover over will show the block id.

    Secondary sales of FVCK_CRYSTALS so far.


    Difference between the amount of ETH burnt on gas to get the transaction through between the successful and failed transactions.


    Total Eth traded on FVCK_CRYSTALS to date, on an hourly basis above and overall below.

    Hourly data on secondary market on Open Sea. Max, Min(floor) and average price per hour in green blue and orange lines. Total sales in the green bar.

    Transaction data of the public minting, showing the fees paid and including the unsuccessful transactions.

    *Not including the pre burns of Invalidity and Balance NFTs for FVCK_CRYSTALS.
