How quickly do LPs shift their liquidity when the price goes outside of their bounds (if they do)?

    For the 10 most active LPs in WETH - USDC pools (USDC-WETH 10000 200, USDC-WETH 500 10 & USDC-WETH 3000 60), when their positions became inactive because the price moved out of the bounds, how much time did it take them on average to update the position if they do? Don't count positions that the LP doesn't close once they go out of bounds.

    For this dashboard we will define the most active LP's as those which have made the most position changes over the time period we are looking at.


    Of these most active LP's we can see from the chart below that they have all closed out positions when price had moved out of their defined range.

    The split in the bar chart shows whether the LP's position range was above or below the price of Eth at the time of closing.


    Finally we can look at the time (in hours) a position was open for, after it had gone out of range until it was closed.

    From the chart below the majority of the positions appear to be closed within the first hour of going out of range.


    Hours out of range before closure on the X-axis and number of closures on the Y-axis.