Uniswap V3 Top Liquidity Providers.

    A look at the top 10 Liquidity providers (LPs) selected by their current total USD amount of liquidity across all pools on Uniswap V3.

    It would appear that more position adjustments occur during volatility in the market, which is to be expected. But there are short periods where they look to be out of range completely and have not kept up with the changes in the market. It will be interesting to see how this improves over time.

    The following charts show the changes of the min and max price ranges for the top LPs against one side of the token in the pool. The pools showing below were at the time of this dashboards creation, thoses which these LPs had made the most adjustments to their liquidity in.

    The Uniswap V3 pools the top 10 are providing liquidity in, showing the number of changes to their positions and the gas fees paid.

    The top 10's pools, positions and the claimed fees earned. Unclaimed fees are not shown.
