200K ALGO Donated Toward Tree Planting

    Has the donation wallet sent any of the ALGOs anywhere? If so, what addresses have most of the ALGOs been sent to? Have any of the ALGOs been sent to a centralized exchange(CEX)? If so, how much?


    NFTs are often portrayed as environmentally damaging. Using the carbon negative Algorand Blockchain, it is possible to create NFTs with minimal energy consumption.

    The Al Goanna Project has spearheaded the movement for using NFTs as a vehicle for enacting real-world change. As part of their mission, they have committed to the planting of over 40,000 Trees and the development of a biodiversity corridor in Australia.

    Recently they reached the benchmark of 200K ALGOs in donations for tree planting. This dashboard will break down the donations and analyze the movement of ALGO in and out of the donation address at 2XBL47CKYWTNAIVUQCTAMFBL75EXXRT3TBG2ZK7SOG7MDBER7Q3XNL77XQ.

    Donations Over Time

    Let us first assess the donations moving into the wallet for tress planting. According to the data, the initiative started receiving ALGOs in late November 2021 and half of the target was reached by January 27, 2022.


    In this section, we shall analyze disbursements from the donation wallet to find out how the funds were spent. The donut below shows the wallets and the amounts of ALGO sent to, from the donation wallet.

    Putting Everything Together

    We have introduced Al Goanna to readers and explained their initiatives focused on protecting the environment. We further charted the number of donations received over time and disbursements made. The donations wallet has performed only one send transaction which seems to have been returned.


    The 200k target was reached on February 21, 2022, representing about 3 months of the campaign run. In the next section, we shall take a look at how funds donated to the tree planting initiative has been disbursed.

    There is only one transaction where the donations wallet sent 40,000 ALGOs to WI4NQTWPDW27AKUTSHHMKOPO2U5S7ZJXZPMI7E6U4V54REJMCW3PH2RNEM. After a brief check, I came to the conclusion that the recipient's address is not a CEX.

    It is worth noting that, 8 days ago, the account in question sent 42,800 ALGOs back to the donations wallet in transaction => PTOTJI4GW2YKQEPPI2GVCZBLW5YS5SZQTHD3ZSQSD4SNYXOPVA3A.