goMint is the governance token of the AlgoMint protocol, a token bridge enabling the seamless movement of equity in and out of the Algorand ecosystem. It was listed in a three-way listing on Algofi, Pactfi, and Tinyman on March 30, 2022.
In this publication, we shall go through the data and metrics surrounding the goMint token's release. First on the list, is the daily amount of ALGO tokens that was swapped into goMint across Tinyman, Algofi, and Pactfi.
The first few hours saw the most amount of ALGO swaps for goMint as investors rushed to get a piece of the pie. According to AlgoMint, $1M worth of liquidity was equally distributed to the three decentralized exchanges.
Next, let us look at the number of swaps and the number of swappers in the first week of the launch of goMint token. Generally, as you can see from the chart below, there was a lot of hype in the first few days which eventually dwindled as time went on. The standout here is Tinyman which leads the three DEXs in swap count.
Fro the number of swappers (users) we can see a similar pattern that is not so different from that of the swap count. Tinyman leads the numbers and we can see a decline in the daily number of swaps.
Last but not least, let's take a look at the price across various DEXes. In the chart below, observe the average hourly price of goMint in the first 24 hours across the three main decentralized exchanges.
Generally, prices decreased from a high of 12 ALGO in Algofi to a low of 6.7 in Tinyman. Prices on Algofi and Pactfi seemed to follow a somewhat smooth curve but Tinyman was the outlier once again. To safeguard its investors against price fluctuations, Algomint manually maintains the price between 0.10 -0.15c in the initial 12 hours, with robust bot contingencies across the 3 DEXs. We can see that at the end of the initial 12 hours, the average price of goMint across the exchanges was 7.96, 7.93, and 7.8 respectively.