
    How Many Wallets Currently Hold An Algorand NFT?

    There are currently 427,239 wallets holding Algorand NFTs

    How Many Creators?

    Our investigation reveals that about 12,764 unique wallets have created NFTs for Algorand.

    How Are NFTs Distributed Across Wallets?

    82.7% of NFT holders own a single NFT. 9.1% own 3, and 1.7% own 4.

    Average ALGOs Owned By NFT Holder / Non NFT Holders

    On average, NFT holders own 106 AGOs, and Non-NFT holders own 76 ALGOs

    What Percent Of Wallets Own At Least 1 NFT?

    About 2.96% of Algorand wallets own at least a single NFT. I believe the large number of non-nft is the reason why the average amount of ALGOs owned by non-NFT holders is smaller.

    How Many NFTs Are There On Algorand?

    There are about 726,780 total no-closed NFTs on Algorand.

    NFT Created & Holders Over Time

    The charts in this section represent NFTs created on Algorand over time and holders over time. This shows that NFT on Algorand recently started picking up steam recently and almost all NFT holders are new wallets created late last year/ early 2022.