Crypto Cosmology, Part 1.
Initial Wormhole Activity
2. Engagement
User engagement is the defining metric for every system. How many users actually engage with a product is an indicator of whether the system provides utility. This premise is based on the fact that people continually use products they find useful. The chart below visualized the cumulative total of daily active Terrans engaging with wormhole. There are currently 6,192+ unique wormhole interactions so far.
5. Rate of Adoption
The rate of adoption is a function of new users over the total user base. And as the name suggests, it is an indicator of how a product is being adopted. Comparing the rate of adoption of wormhole vs that of regular Terra bridge, we use the cumulative curve to reach our conclusion.
The next chart, like the one above, shows the frequency of tokens sent via wormhole.
The blue line represents the terra bridge and the red line represents wormhole. We can see that the blue line is steep compared to the red line. This indicates that the terra bridge is seeing more adoption than wormhole.