Forefront Curators

    The People Building The DAO



    It is no secret in the crypto ecosystem that operating a decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) is incredibly hard. Especially, keeping all stakeholders aligned on one common goal when it is so easy to suffer attacks from bad actors.

    Forefront is the DAO that is working towards streamlining the processes by creating a launchpad for crypto explorers to easily set up tokenized communities. To get this done, Forefront needs curators and creators to refine and keep perfecting the process.

    Anyone who buys into Forefront's ethos of a tokenized community can become a curator and get access to the DAO governance and processes by owning at least 1000 FF. The purpose of this dashboard is to visualize how the number of curators has changed in the Forefront DAO over time.

    Curator Metrics

    For the purpose of this analytical investigation, we shall define a curator of the Forefront DAO as any ethereum-based crypto wallet with at least 1000 FF tokens. In the time series chart below, observe the number of Forefront curators since January 2022.

    Since January, we can see that the number of Forefront curators is steadily increasing. The total number of curators on January 1 was 224, and currently (March 29, 2022) it is at 232. On March 10, the number of curators peaked at 238.

    Curator Incentives

    How can Forefront incentivize creator growth in curator roles? We know that incentives are the soul of growth in the crypto ecosystem. Currently, Forefront incentives curators with the privilege of participating in governance and also access to some exclusive resources. I believe these incentives are great.

    My suggestion is that there is no better incentive for Forefront stakeholders than long-term growth. I believe more resources should be invested in growing the DAO regardless of the cost in the short term. This will motivate curators to get more invested and attract more curators along the way.