Moonbirds Crossovers

    Moonbird PFPs


    Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are an aspect of crypto that has gained widespread adoption. Connoisseurs usually own different types of NFTs based on their preferences and risk profile. In this publication, we want to look at the holders of Moonbird and the other NFTs they also own. "Owner" in this context means any Ethereum wallet that has bought an NFT of a type.

    Without much ado, let's dive into other NFTs that were bought by Moonbird owners. In the chart below, popularity is just a proxy for the number of purchases that have been made in total by the group of Moonbird owners.

    As you can see, art blocks are the most popular among Moonbird owners as there have been about 12k+ purchases. Popular NFTs include Azuki, BAYC, MAYC, Parallel, Cool Cats, and Crytoaz among others.

    Next, we will look at how many of the Moonbirds owners own each of these NFTs displayed above. This is quite different from popularity as this deals with distribution instead of frequency. Basically, we want to know for each type of NFT, the number of Moonbird owners that also own it.

    Results displayed in the donut chart above suggest that 15.4% of Moonbird owners also own art blocks. Another 15.4% own MutantApeYatchClud, and a 13.7% own Azuki. The list goes on and on. It is, however, worth noting that the donut chart is not mutually exclusive and the probabilities of mapping out owners of multiple NFTs are endless.