Daily new users are a kind of metric that is important to every business including crypto blockchains if we were to look at it that way. They are a strong indicator of growth and I believe every big business pays attention to them.
Today we want to look at the daily new users that are signing up to the Polygon blockchain. We define a new user (a proxy for wallets) as the first time a wallet performed a transaction. In the chart below, we present daily new users onboarding to the Polygon network.
We can see from the chart above that new active users for Polygon were flat from inception till March 2021. Earlier on September 25, 2020, there was a random high of 94.6k which came out of nowhere. After March 2021, there was a steady rise in new users amid peaks and troughs until the peak of 145k new users was reached on November 8, 2021. There has since been some decline but numbers seem to be holding up steadily.